Opening tomorrow at The Bedford and then at the OSO this Thursday – you’ve only got two chances to catch our vaginas!
Never seen The Vagina Monologues? You should definitely come and see ours! Seen it? You should still come and see ours! Seen our version? Come and see it again…we have the wonderful Sassy Clyde & Kristy Bruce joining us!
Even better – for the first time in 3 years ALL 5 co-founders Telma Rocha, Tania Kieffer, Sonia Kamel, Velenzia Spearpoint and Artistic Director Paula Benson will be back on the stage together.
If you fancy a taster check out some rehearsal shots taken by the fantastic Emma Steele.
#osoarts #taniakieffer #getoveritproductions #women #sassyclyde #vaginamonologues #fringetheatre #getoverit #kristybruce #soniakamel #actresses #ensemble #allfemale #osoartscentre #theoso #feminist #oso #eveensler #london #thebedford #telmarocha #southwestlondon #theatre #rehearsal #goi #fringe #wafchat #velenziaspearpoint #arts #barnes #actors #comedy #fringereview #balham #wandsworthfringe #thevaginamonologues #emmasteele