Yes, the #VaginaSuperheroes are back!
We are reviving our sell-out version of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues this May at The Bedford – as part of our first year at the Wandsworth Fringe! We then return to the wonderful OSO for one night only! Come and have a giggle with us…
Hysterically funny yet moving and poignant, a must for everywoman and an education for everyman!
“Equal parts hilarious, eye-opening and moving, this candid re-imagination of a classic play is a wonderful way to while away a summer evening.” Everything Theatre ****
Book now…it’s not to be missed!

#osoarts #taniakieffer #review #revival #getoveritproductions #sassyclyde #vaginamonologues #barnespond #fringetheatre #getoverit #kristybruce #tickets #soniakamel #southlondon #actresses #paulabenson #ensemble #allfemale #osoartscentre #feminist #getoveritpro #oso #eveensler #london #thebedford #telmarocha #wandsworth #southwestlondon #wandsworthartsfringe #onenight #theatre #goi #everythingtheatre #fringe #wafchat #velenziaspearpoint #barnes #actors #comedy #balham #vagina #wandsworthfringe #vaginasuperheroes #thevaginamonologues #may #soldout