YES! Rehearsals are in full swing and we can not WAIT to bring The Vagina Monologues back to the stage!
Never seen The Vagina Monologues? You should definitely come and see ours! Seen it? You should still come and see ours! Seen our version? Come and see it again…we have the wonderful Abigail Glasser joining us this time!
Our returning Vagina Monologuers include Veronica Quilligan, Rhiannon Kelly and co-founders Telma Rocha, Tania Kieffer, Velenzia Spearpoint and Artistic Director Paula Benson.
“A must see even if you haven’t got one”

Tuesday 23rd – Saturday 27th June, 7:30pm
The Bread & Roses Theatre 68 Clapham Manor Street Clapham SW4 6DZ
Tickets: £7
#taniakieffer #getoveritproductions #vaginamonologues #thebreadandrosestheatre #claphamcommon #2015 #actresses #monologue #paulabenson #allfemale #feminist #veronicaquilligan #claphamnorth #eveensler #rhiannonkelly #telmarocha #clapham #theatre #fringe #velenziaspearpoint #abigailglasser #actors #comedy #vagina #thevaginamonologues